Craig Manning | Author
The Artists Behind Your Favorite Beer Labels
Nov. 26, 2022
A Jeep Wagoneer driving down a wooded dirt road with a red canoe strapped to the car top. A mustachioed man in an airborne snowmobile, flying high above the town of Bellaire. An anthropomorphic peanut with its eyes popping out of its head. A bow-tie-wearing man tearing through the night on …
Farm Club's Czech Dark Lager
Nov. 26, 2022
While we love our chocolate imperial stouts and milkshake IPAs, we’ll acknowledge that, sometimes, we just want a simple, classic-style beer. Fortunately, northern Michigan has several brewers that specialize in making precisely that type of beer, one of which is Farm Club. Though it&…
James Earl Jones: The Man, the Voice, the Legend
Nov. 26, 2022
Do a Google search for “most distinctive voices in Hollywood history,” and you’re likely to see one name pop up repeatedly: James Earl Jones, the renowned actor and voiceover artist known best for voicing Darth Vader and The Lion King’s Mufasa. While you surely know …
Hall of Fame Coach John Lober
Nov. 19, 2022
News broke this week that John Lober, a coaching legend at Traverse City Central High School, would be inducted into the National High School Athletic Coaches Association (NHSACA) Hall of Fame. Lober oversaw the boys track and field team at Central for 52 years, from 1977 until his retireme…
On Tap in the World of Craft Beer
Nov. 12, 2022
For years, craft beer was a niche—an emerging segment of a global industry that showed significant potential for disruption. Now, according to the Brewers Association, craft beer accounts for nearly 27 percent of the $100 billion United States beer market. What was once the exception …
Bee Well Mead & Cider’s Comfortably Plum
Nov. 12, 2022
As British rock legends Pink Floyd once sang, “I have become…comfortably plum.” Oh wait. That’s not quite right, is it? Forgive us for the slip-up; we’ve been drinking quite a lot of the Floyd-themed Comfortably Plum cider from Bellaire’s Bee Well Mead &…
Local Medical Heroes in Ukraine
Nov. 12, 2022
Let’s have a big round of applause for Todd Stone and Rob Garvin, a pair of healthcare professionals from Traverse City who recently traveled to Lviv, Ukraine, as part of a relief mission trip. While there, the two joined a team of other volunteers working to help restore mobility to …
TC Whiskey Co. to Grow
Nov. 5, 2022
Northern Michigan’s biggest craft distillery is about to become even bigger. Traverse City Whiskey Co. has announced plans to turn the former Cherry Growers Inc. facility in Elmwood Township into its new headquarters. That $20 million expansion will generate an estimated 100 jobs and …
Inside Election Day with a City Clerk
Oct. 29, 2022
What goes into planning and pulling off a local election? For Benjamin Marentette, who serves as city clerk for the City of Traverse City, election season is 90 days of hard work, a few sleepless nights, and a lot of attention to detail. From tedious ballot testing procedures to the coordin…
A Big Win for Michigan Rockhounds
Oct. 29, 2022
If you’re a rock collector in Michigan, chances are you’ve heard of Michigan Rockhounds. Founded just two years ago as a hobbyist Facebook group with a mere dozen members, the organization has grown to nearly 100,000 members and is perhaps the state’s top convener for peop…
Riley’s Candles
Oct. 22, 2022
What do you call a dog who starts his own business? Doggypreneur? Riley the beagle is one such dog and the namesake of Riley’s Candles, a business “on a mission to save as many dogs who need emergency surgeries to save their lives as possible.” As Josh Hart (Riley’s …
Is Pet Insurance a Luxury or Life-Saver?
Oct. 22, 2022
Did you know that 91.7 percent of the U.S. population had some form of health insurance coverage as of last year? While that figure still leaves tens of millions of Americans without a healthcare safety net, it also means that the vast majority of people in the U.S. are insured.
No …
Mawby’s Bourbon Barrel Redd
Oct. 15, 2022
As temperatures drop, our libation preferences are pulling away from the summer staples of crisp white wines and juicy IPAs toward more autumnal classics like full-bodied red wines, rich, warming whiskeys, and darker-hued beers. How fitting, then, that MAWBY of Suttons Bay has released the …
Common Good Does Good
Oct. 15, 2022
2022 is a big year for Traverse City’s Common Good Bakery. The Fourteenth Street bakery officially celebrated five years in business in August, and a second location at 1115 East Eighth Street is slated to open shortly after Thanksgiving. To mark the five-year milestone and make good …
All Electric, All the Time
Oct. 8, 2022
During the summer of $5 gas, it was perhaps no surprise that many consumers across the country were trading combustion for electricity. According to a TIME article from May, a whopping 53 percent of active automotive shoppers were “considering a more fuel-efficient vehicle in…
Sleeping Bear Shines at ArtPrize
Oct. 8, 2022
If you reside in northern Michigan, chances are you’re familiar with the legend of Sleeping Bear. Though the legend itself has a complex cultural history…
Retired Dennos Leader Honored
Oct. 1, 2022
Congratulations are in order for Traverse City legend Eugene Jenneman, who was recently announced as one of the four recipients for this year’s University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Alumni Association awards. Jenneman is best known in northern Michigan as the founding executive director …
Crushing It
Oct. 1, 2022
No local winery is an island.
That’s the philosophy Left Foot Charley founders Bryan and Jen Ulbrich have taken with their winemaking operation since day one. And while it’s an idea that runs contrary to what many people think they know about wineries, Bryan Ulbrich says…
The Ramsdell’s Community Art2 Project
Sept. 24, 2022
One great joy of childhood is getting creative in art class and then seeing your work proudly displayed in your school hallways. Similar opportunities don’t come along very often in adulthood, but the Ramsdell Regional Center for the Arts in Manistee is offering one this fall. The Ram…
One Small House for Humankind, One Giant Leap for Attainable Housing
Sept. 24, 2022
What if one solution to the housing woes of northern Michigan was as simple as letting homeowners build guest houses on their land?
As local leaders look for ways to bring more abundant and affordable housing to the region—and to counteract challenges with strained housing inv… Read More >>