March 25, 2025

Don’t Worry About Ellie Goulding

Modern Rock
By Kristi Kates | April 4, 2020

Ellie Goulding has just produced a new music video in collaboration with musician and music producer Matthew Tyler Musto, aka blackbear, for her single “Worry About Me.” blackbear actually appears in the video as a set of twins, cavorting with Goulding in the woods alongside some Middle America scenery and a flock of chickens. The song is an “independently minded” single about Goulding rejecting a guy who only wanted to date her at his convenience. It’s her first new music release of the year and will be included on Goulding’s upcoming album, which is due out on June 5 …

Foster the People and Louis the Child have teamed up for a brand new single called “Every Color,” a bright, psychedelic-inflected tune that nicely blends the individual feel of both bands. A “music video” that looks more like an old-school animated audio visualizer than a video was also produced by Nate Mohler and Adam Knauer to accompany the track. Foster the People also released a remix of their latest single, “Pick U Up,” which was remixed by band member Isom Innis and also accompanied by a music video, the latter of which was directed by Foster frontman Mark Foster

Jarv Is — aka Jarvis Cocker, the frontman for the classic Britpop group Pulp — has released a new track called “House Music All Night Long” to preface the upcoming release of his first new album in 11 years, Beyond the Pale, which will be in outlets May 1. The tune is a gossamer dance track that sings about utilizing night club/dance floor music as a background for everyday activities; the album found Cocker writing songs in a sort of ongoing collaboration with his audiences, “testing out” tunes on them during earlier live shows …

Sam Smith has reworked his latest single, “To Die For,” as an acoustic track in an attempt to echo some of his earlier music releases. The revised single, which was recorded in Los Angeles, features Smith inside a golden recording studio accompanied by cello and piano. A music video for the track features Smith as a disembodied mannequin head in a store window; all of the above serves to preface Smith’s upcoming new album of the same name, which is be due out on May 1 via Capitol Records …

Niall Horan is back with James Corden this week, crafting a little musical comedy with the pair’s quirky tribute to The Proclaimers’ 1987 song “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” — you’ve gotta see this one to believe it. Watch at

Michigan country/rockabilly/blues/punk artist Ernie Clark and his band have released their first studio album, Family Album, complete with first single “Something I’ll Regret” …

Fellow Michigan quartet Cold Tone Harvest, which hails from Plymouth, is working on new music to follow up its 2018 album, After You

Tones and I, the Australian performer who hit meme fame with the single “Dance Monkey,” is back with a new tune called “Can’t Be Happy All the Time” which she said is about the “dramatic change in her lifestyle” that arrived with “rising to fame so quickly” …
And 91-year-old Burt Bacharach said that he’d love to collaborate with Billie Eilish … and that’s the buzz for this week’s Modern Rock.

Comments, questions, rants, raves, suggestions on this column? Send ’em to Kristi at


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