MAWBY's Sunlight in a Can
Bottoms Up
By Emily Tyra | May 9, 2020
Leelanau’s MAWBY winery is doing its part to keep moods effervescent and sunny right now. If you’re a bit burned out from the news or haven’t felt much like celebrating, know it’s nearly impossible NOT to bask in a fizzy glow when you pop the top on Sunlight, a new summer seasonal dry white bubbly. Sunlight (along with Tropic, a bubbly rosé) debuted in cans at MAWBY last Friday. As Mike Laing, partner at MAWBY, explained: “We wanted canned products with our MAWBY spin. But a 375-ml can of 12 percent wine is too much alcohol for one serving, in our opinion. Our infused bubblies are 12 ounces and 6 percent alcohol. They are wine-based but include organic tea ingredients and natural fruit juices with low sugar.”
Sunlight, which contains 40 different botanicals from Leelanau County’s Light of Day Organics tea farm, is refreshing and elegantly balanced. And though the label says “be casual,” we felt downright classy when sipping from the can — it’s simply luminous and lovely. Sunlight and Tropic bubbly tea-infusions are $22 each for a 4-pack, with shipping and pick-up available. MAWBY’s current curbside pick-up program is Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday between noon and 4pm. https://mawby.wine/

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