September 8, 2024

Brewery Terra Firma’s Vanilla Ancho

Bottoms Up
By Karl Klockars | Oct. 29, 2022

For nearly 10 years, Brewery Terra Firma has offered a hard-to-say but awesome-to-drink beer: the Ancho Chile Dutch Double Chocolate Porter. It was among the first to hit draft lines and recently returned to BTF’s offerings. Unlike other beers, the recipe has never been tweaked…until now. Their first-ever vanilla-infused variant recently is on tap, and if you thought the original version was a treat, you’ll want to get a pint of this before it disappears. The OG porter offers a delicious combination of delicately-balanced heat from the chiles paired with a rich, roasty, dark chocolate note on top of a lighter-than-expected body. Topping it with a delicious ribbon of vanilla smooths out the rougher edges and makes it more approachable without losing sharpness or depth. A limited amount is available, so stop by soon to compare and contrast the two beers at 2959 Hartman Rd. in Traverse City.


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