March 26, 2025

Tastemakers: Petoskey/Harbor Springs Restaurant Week/ Light of Day Chakra Teas

May 30, 2010
Petoskey/Harbor Springs Restaurant Week
This week several restaurants in the Petoskey and Harbor Springs area are participating in what they hope will be an annual event. The Petoskey/Harbor Springs Restaurant Week is modeled after what several metropolitan areas around the country have been doing for years, promoting the virtues of dining at local establishments. Ann Arbor has been doing it for years.
The concept is to encourage area residents to get out on a daily and nightly basis to check out what restaurants are offering. Each participating restaurant agrees to offer a three-course lunch for $12 and a three-course dinner for $25. Adding to the incentive many of the restaurants are offering a two-for-one dining experience, making this opportunity very affordable and a great date night.
Participants in the inaugural Restaurant Week include Roast & Toast, Papa Lou’s, The New York Restaurant, Terrace Inn, Whitecaps, Hidden River Rainbow Room and the following Stafford’s locations: Bay View Inn, Perry Hotel, Pier and The Noggin Room.
The Petoskey area has always been on the cutting edge of cool concepts. Several years ago the Petoskey Art Walk was launched to promote the many galleries in downtown; several communities in Northern Michigan have since followed suit.
New York City launched its own “restaurant week” 30 years ago and, partnering with the New York Times, the event was expanded to include the cultural offerings of Broadway and museums. As the Petoskey/Harbor Springs event grows and as other Northern Michigan communities look to adopt the idea, they might do well to consider including a cultural component into the week. For a complete listing of restaurants participating and to view their special three-course menus go to (Photo of Stafford’s Pier courtesy of --Rick Coates

Light of Day
Chakra Teas

Angela Macke launched Light of Day Organics five years ago at the base of the Leelanau Peninsula. Focusing on organic teas, with many of the ingredients grown at her certified organic farm, Macke’s mission has always been about supporting local and foreign farmers through Fair Trade practices. “I want to make sure that taste wasn’t the only thing to feel good about when drinking my teas.”
Driving her interest in creating organic teas resulted from battling a potential life-ending illness; a nurse by trade, Macke sought alternative medical treatments. Through her personal research she came across chakra balancing, an ancient belief that seven energy centers are located along the spine starting in the pelvic region all the way up to the top of the head. Each energy center is located at the major human nervous system divisions [ranging from the last bone in spinal column to the ovaries/prostate, navel, heart, throat, third eye (pineal gland), and top of the head].
Now Macke has launched a collection of teas to help with chakra balancing. Each of the seven teas focuses on one of the chakra zones. Macke feels that balancing one’s chakras is key to optimizing one’s health. The teas in the sampler kit are Red Raspberry Green Tea, Happy Spleen Green Tea, Lemony Ginger, All Heart, Cherry Mint, Leelanau Licorice, and Enlightenment White.
Light of Day Organic Teas are available throughout Northern Michigan at several retailers and restaurants. Macke’s teas have become so popular she is shipping daily all over the country. For additional details go to
--Rick Coates


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