February 1, 2025

Gov. Whitmer and Chasten Buttigieg at City Opera House

By Jamie Kauffold | Feb. 1, 2025

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer brings the young adult version of her memoir True Gretch: Lessons for Anyone Who Wants to Make a Difference to Traverse City’s City Opera House on Friday, Feb. 7, at 7pm. “That Woman from Michigan” has packed this new edition with a Q&A with her two teenage daughters, along with backmatter resources relating to surviving sexual assault and gun violence. Joining Whitmer will be TC’s Chasten Buttigieg, a teacher, advocate, and husband of former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg. His memoir I Have Something to Tell You was a New York Times bestseller. Tickets: $17.50-$35; proceeds benefit Traverse Bay Children's Advocacy Center. cityoperahouse.org


NoMi Treasures on TV

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Let’s Get Cooking: Soup and Bread Classes

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Winter Fun with Crystal Mountain

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Wren's Grey Manhattan

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