Viva the VIV Art Show
June 17, 2023
World-class horses and their riders won’t be the only draw to Flintfields Horse Park in Williamsburg this weekend. Saturday, June 24, from 4-8pm, the Traverse City Horse Shows venue will also be hosting the Veterans Inspiring Veterans (VIV) Art Show. Twenty-seven artists—all of them verified military vets—will display and sell their works. More than 100 pieces of art will be on display, from paintings to pottery sculptures to carvings. To learn more about the show and get a sneak peek at the artists’ works head to Tickets—which also include admission to Traverse City Horse Shows for the afternoon and food from Mane Event Catering—are $100 each and must be purchased in advance at Proceeds from ticket sales will benefit Reining Liberty Ranch, a local nonprofit that offers community-based programs that serve veterans, their families, and other disabled/at-risk individuals in the Grand Traverse area.