The Composting Cycle Grows
Stuff We Love
April 29, 2023
Over a decade ago, eight-year-old Carter Schmidt started Carter’s Compost, a composting service for his neighbors in downtown Traverse City. (You may remember Carter from our very first Fascinating People issue!) The Carter’s Compost team biked around the neighborhood to pick up food scraps to the tune of 47,000+ pounds over the years and more than 20 metric tons of CO2 avoided. Carter is now off studying abroad and planning his next adventures, but that wasn’t the end of the business, as TC local Megan Alexander took up the composting call in 2022. Now, the business is ready to grow again. Alexander recently announced she is expanding the program, which has long had two downtown pick-up options, to also include a drop-off site on Old Mission Peninsula in partnership with Lightwell Lavender Farm and a pick-up site at Historic Barns Park in partnership with SEEDS. To sign up for a subscription or learn more about the new Carter’s Compost locations, head to carterscompost.com.

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