March 26, 2025

Shipwreck Discoveries in Lake Superior

Stuff We Love
March 22, 2025

More than 132 years ago, a 300-foot steel steamer called Western Reserve sank in Lake Superior following an August storm, tragically claiming the lives of 27 crew members and part of the captain’s young family, leaving only one survivor. After searching for the ship for several years, the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society (GLSHS) made an initial discovery of Western Reserve this past summer. According to their press release, “Subsequent ROV (remotely operated vehicle) deployments confirmed the identity of the shipwreck, revealing a ship broken in two, with the bow section resting on top of the stern in approximately 600 [feet] of water.” To learn more about the ship’s history and its final journey—and to see photos and video of the wreck—head to


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