September 7, 2024

Make Your Pet Famous!

Sept. 16, 2023

Every fall, Northern Express puts together our Pets Issue, which features stories about our beloved furry friends. As part of that issue, we create a collage of pet photos from our readers. We invite you to send us photos of your best bud—cat, dog, horse, parrot, you name it—for a chance to see them featured in our October 23 edition! You can be in the shot with your pet, or they can be the star of the show.

Before pressing send, please follow these directions carefully. Your submission will not be accepted if it does not meet our guidelines. 1) Send only one photo per pet. 2) The photo file size must fall between 150KB and 1MB. 3) Photos must be in color, not black and white. 4) Send your photo to info [at] northernexpress [dot] com with the subject line “Pet Issue Photo” and include your name, your NoMi city of residence, and the name of your pet. We will collect submissions through Oct. 12.


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