Fishing for a Fresh Tune
By Ross Boissoneau | Sept. 14, 2024
Michael Delp and Crispin Campbell will perform in their guises as the Mad Angler and the Mad Cellist at the Alluvion Sept. 20. The duo, both retired instructors at Interlochen, will perform from their recording The River Under the River. “I’d heard Mike read [his] poems when we were teaching at Interlochen,” says Campbell. “He always said we’ve got to do something together. It took us both leaving Interlochen” to make it happen, and Campbell built a series of improvisations around Delp’s takes on fishing. Joining Campbell and Delp will be dobro player Joe Wilson and jazz pianist Steve Stargardt, mixing spoken word with music encompassing classical, jazz, blues, and gospel. Tickets $25;