Escanaba in da Moonlight at Old Town Playhouse Sept. 23–25
More plays scheduled in October
By Ross Boissoneau | Sept. 18, 2021
A trip to the U.P. is as close as Old Town Playhouse. The venerable community theater is welcoming back audiences with Jeff Daniels’ play about the vagaries of deer camp. “It’s ridiculously silly,” says OTP Artistic Director Phil Murphy. “I look at it as he learned from [the film Daniels co-starred in] Dumb and Dumber. I think this may be the ‘dumberest’ of all.” Murphy says the return of audiences to the playhouse is a welcome change for performers and theatergoers alike.
The playhouse has been retrofitted with air purification enhancements, and the entire building is thoroughly cleaned after each performance. OTP is following CDC guidelines, and masks are required for audience members and workers, as well as for actors when not onstage. Murphy anticipates crowds will continue to build as people grow more comfortable with going out in this almost-post-pandemic world. Escanaba plays Sept. 23-25. Upcoming shows include Only On Pizza by Aged to Perfection readers’ theatre and Godspell; for more information go to