Community Resolutions
Local leaders look to 2025
By Art Bukowski | Dec. 21, 2024
Regardless of your profession, there’s something special and refreshing about the promise of a new year. Northern Express asked local civic leaders within our 13-county coverage area about their resolutions for the coming year.
Amy Shamroe, Mayor of Traverse City
In 2025, I look forward to working as a city with our surrounding governments and nonprofit partners on addressing the issue of housing and homelessness in our community in very impactful ways. The work done this year to bring different entities to the table to work on solutions together has been so important and laid a good foundation for moving forward. This year we must continue that work and focus on finding/creating more housing options to assist people at a variety of income levels. Through public/private partnerships, caring neighbors, and a broad lens on the issue, I am confident the city and the region will do great things.
Craig Ardis, Mayor of Lake City
Lake City’s 2025 resolution is full of many redevelopment opportunities. We set up a request for proposals to market our current city hall to redevelop into mixed use, boutique hotel, condos, etc. This property sits on the lakeshore right downtown, on the most beautiful setting which will be a huge economic boost to the city. We are breaking ground in the spring to develop a $2 million park right in the middle of downtown adjoining the proposed mixed use city hall redevelopment. Any developers or investors interested in partnering with these projects or have interest in learning more about our future economic develop projects feel free to contact the City of Lake City to learn more.
Ty Wessell, Chair, Leelanau County Board of Commissioners
My hopes for the Board of Commissioners: civility, thoughtful decision-making, responsible finance management, collaboration, and reduced partisanship. I resolve to be the kind of commissioner that our community deserves. I will promote civil discourse and fact-based decisions, doing our collective best to forge community partnerships, keep stable tax rates, support affiliated agencies, promote excellence in county services, protect what we have, and demonstrate respect at board meetings. I look forward to 2025. I will work to find common ground and widen the circle. Following Churchill’s maxim, I will do my best and do what is required.
Mark Heydlauff, Charlevoix City Manager
Infrastructure. The cornerstone of local government is the services it provides residents, businesses, and visitors. I look forward to prioritizing ongoing maintenance, updated technology, and future major projects to provide the opportunity for more and better housing, business growth, and thoughtfully developed public spaces. I think it is best for local government to focus on the issues it is uniquely suited to address. Ensuring reliable and sustainable infrastructure is right in our wheelhouse to support the ingenuity of private businesses and developers in our community. Happy New Year from Charlevoix the Beautiful!
JoAnn Holwerda, Mayor of Frankfort
The City of Frankfort is dedicated toward housing solutions for our families. We want to expand our efforts with homes built by our land trust and partner with Homestretch for a Phase II expansion of Lake & Main Project. Capital improvements will continue with our Michigan Avenue Project and Lake Michigan Beach Restroom Project. Planning efforts will involve a design to reconstruct Main Street, enhancing walkability. Our fire department is working on procuring funding to purchase a new ladder truck. Fiscally, we will continue to maintain budget control with focus on reducing the unfunded retirement pension liabilities.
Marcus Peccia, Cadillac City Manager
Perhaps one of the most important priorities in the City of Cadillac from an economic development perspective is to create the right environment for commercial, industrial and retail businesses to be able to stay here and be prosperous, as well as the right environment for them to expand. For that to happen we need to have housing, and housing is an enormous priority for our community. We're on the cusp of seeing some great projects. We're also very engaged with environmental issues. The city of Cadillac is very proud to be making some tremendous progress with groundwater cleanup and other matters.
Heather Forbes, Mayor of Grayling
My resolution as an elected leader and resident of the City of Grayling would be to foster solidarity and promote growth within our community. I recognize the importance of unity, cooperation, and mutual support in achieving sustainable growth and fostering a sense of belonging. Considering the challenges we face, both individually and collectively, it is essential to come together to strengthen our ties, support one another, and create an environment where every member can thrive. When people feel they are part of a united, caring group, they are motivated to contribute their time, talents, and resources for the collective good. This creates a more harmonious environment to stimulate both economic and social prosperity in the community.
Jeff Dontz, Chair, Manistee County Board of Commissioners
For 2025, Manistee County will commit to maintaining a path of growth, promoting community engagement, and enhancing public services to improve the quality of life for all residents. The county will prioritize economic development, to include affordable housing and daycare availability for all residents. We will work with all the communities to try and create solutions to enhance infrastructure and safety for residents and tourists. This reflects our dedication to transparent governance, collaboration in our decision-making, and ensuring that future generations inherit a thriving county for all.

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