March 25, 2025

Civic Center Improvements Starting

March 22, 2025

Those who love to walk laps at Traverse City’s Civic Center will see some disruptions on their path in the coming months as the walking track gets a much-needed overhaul. This starts with the removal of the bridge over W. Civic Center Drive, which will begin the week of March 24. The crossing is expected to be unavailable until mid-June as the new bridge is installed. Meanwhile, work on the paved track itself will begin as soon as the ground is snow-free. First, a soft path (3 feet wide and made of fine-crushed gravel) will be laid. Second, the existing track will be pulverized, prepped, and overlaid with a new course of asphalt. Seven fitness stations will be added along the track. Expect that segment to cause a two-week closure of the track. Last but not least, the southwest parking lot near the amphitheater will finally be paved! Full project completion is expected by late July.


A Bird's-Eye View of Skegemog Raptor Center

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