March 6, 2025

Art That’s Worth the Wait

Aug. 31, 2014

Art used to intimidate painter Carol Schifman. "I wondered, "˜Where does their imagination and creativity come from?’" said the Traverse City resident, now professional painter. "I would keep my distance, in awe."

That changed after she attended an art show with a friend and later took an art workshop.

The workshop launched her down a creative path that has resulted in colorful landscapes and most recently, a portrait series of friends and family members.

Working with oils on canvas, Schifman captures her subjects with fl air. She works slowly, in meticulous detail.

"I tend to work in the afternoon, two or three hours at a time," said Schifman, who had a corporate career in organizational communications and worked as a consultant for Fortune 500 companies. "It takes me a long time to complete a work."

Born and raised in Kansas City, Mo., Schifman went to Oregon State University to study forestry.

In recent years she’s been able to focus more on her paintings, particularly portraits.


About 25 years ago I met an artist/ art teacher in Maine - Joy Vaughan - who made sure that everyone in her workshop understood that they were an artist, they were expressive and capable, and that their art was good.

Joy was the "˜real deal’: authentic, honest and inspiring, spotlighting my strengths and possibilities. After Joy’s workshop, in between work and family commitments, I found my way into various art workshops over the years.


In the last five years, my professional work obligations lessened. I have had the gift of time to focus more intensely on painting and just recently on oil portraiture.

My motivation to paint, what gets me "˜off the dime’ and into my makeshift studio is that often my finished painting will be a gift for family or friends to celebrate a special occasion in their life. Giving is a large part of my inspiration.

What has also been a profound inspiration is painting with others. My husband and I spend time in San Miguel, Mexico every year where opportunities abound in our community to gather in an artist’s studio, with five or six other artists to paint and provide support, input, and inspiration. I believe this kind of regular community is artistically stimulating and important for inspiration.


David Bowie, when asked "˜What do you consider your greatest achievement?’ replied, "˜Discovering morning.’ Morning. Welcoming light, discovering shapes and colors, making meaning from what is. I am happy, if not proud that I continue to discover. I am "˜discovering morning’ every time I pick up a paintbrush, every time I venture into spreading color, creating shape and expressing light. As is the morning, I am always a beginner.


That art can be your voice. It’s how a person communicates with the world, whatever their art. At the very least, it is for the pure joy of expressing.

Also, that I am a second degree black belt in aikido, a Japanese defensive martial art. It’s not like kicking; it’s more like judo movements. It’s all about not having to engage and being able to deflect. It’s a really beautiful thing.


There’s so much talent in the world. But I think there is no greater portrait master than Rembrandt, nor governor of color and light than Vermeer.


Discover morning. Start every day looking, seeing, discovering light and shapes.


Most of my work has been intentionally done for gifting. Little is available for showing other than current pieces and canvases now in others’ hands. I’m not currently with any gallery, but I can be contacted at com or at (231) 622-4455.


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