September 7, 2024

Yarrow Brown | Author

Deed Restrictions and Year-Round Housing

July 6, 2024

In the peak of the summer, I keep thinking about the locals. We love our tourist economy and the fact that we have a desirable place for people to visit or relocate to. But how can we ensure there is enough housing for everyone in our region?

Housing for ALL is the new phrase I am... Read More >>

How Can YOU Invest in Housing?

April 27, 2024

We have an opportunity in northwest Michigan to invest in our community and work collaboratively to address the housing crisis. If you are a community member, business owner, or employer, you can help. Everyone can work to be effective and support housing solutions in their community!


The Fascinating People of Housing

March 2, 2024

Thinking about the theme of this week’s Northern Express, I wanted to highlight some fascinating people around housing, including the very important Housing Ready teams that are being deployed in Northwest Michigan to help support the housing needs of the 10 counties.


Communities Step Up for More Housing

Dec. 16, 2023

It’s been an emotional, exciting, and impressive few months for housing in our region. Many thanks to those who showed up, spoke up, and learned more about our region’s housing needs.

Driving to my office the other day, I heard a quote on public radio from Jenny Scheut... Read More >>

Smaller Homes and Zoning Laws

Oct. 14, 2023

According to data from Ryan Kilpatrick with Flywheel consulting, 46 percent of all households would prefer walkable, amenity-rich neighborhoods with smaller homes, smaller lot sizes, and less private green space if it means they can walk to the coffee shop or their kid’s school. Yet... Read More >>

Getting Involved in Housing Solutions

Sept. 23, 2023

Take a drive around northwest Michigan, and you’ll notice there is a lot of residential development happening. It seems overwhelming to see such growth—I get it. But I also believe if we do not engage, learn, and collaborate to address this important issue, we won’t make... Read More >>

Improving Our Existing Housing Stock

Aug. 12, 2023

Housing quality is key to community health and economic development, but it’s often overlooked in rural communities.

What is housing quality? It’s the physical conditions of a home that contribute to the health outcomes of individuals. Edgar Camero’s blog post ti... Read More >>

What Steps Can We Take to Address Our Housing Crisis?

June 10, 2023

It’s time to focus on things you can do right now in your community to keep the conversation going around housing. With the summer arriving, there is added pressure for people trying to find housing, and the real estate market continues to price people out who live and work here yea... Read More >>

We Can All Help with Fair Housing Practices

April 22, 2023

April is Fair Housing Month and offers an opportunity to provide insight into the importance of fair housing practices. As we welcome back the tourists and seasonal residents this spring, I am reminded of those of us who survived another winter, and I think about those who are losing thei... Read More >>

Housing Is Community Development and Economic Development

Feb. 25, 2023

You’ve probably heard a lot about housing lately and could be getting tired of it. I’m not here to convince you that we have a housing shortage or crisis. We know that. But it’s important to share why this is a community effort with ways everyone can make a difference.Read More >>