Ready, Set, Hire! Spring Now Hiring Job Portal Open
Fill those 2025 summer jobs
With spring less than two weeks away, we’re gearing up for our “Now Hiring” issue, sponsored by Grand Traverse Resort & Casinos, which will be online and on newsstands April 21. We dedicate a special portion of the issue to job listings from across the region, so this is your chance to post all those important summer jobs as we head into the busy season in northern Michigan…for free! There is no limit to the number of positions you may submit, though we do not guarantee publication of all jobs. To submit a job posting, head to You’ll need to have the following information ready: employer name, position title, position type, pay range, city, a brief description, and a contact email or phone number. We recommend sharing your openings as soon as possible and updating us if they are filled. Happy hiring!
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