Let’s Get Cooking: Soup and Bread Classes
You know what goes together like salt and pepper, peanut butter and jelly, or macaroni and cheese? Soup and bread. And good news for you, dear reader, there are two ways to make your own this week. First, on Feb. 5, spring for the NMC Soup’s On Date Night class. Bring your partner or your bestie and learn all about creating winter soups that will warm your belly and your heart. Visit nmc.augusoft.net to see the class (which may be on a waitlist by the time you read this); course fee is $199 for two people and includes a complimentary glass of red or white wine. Laster in the week, Bay Bread of TC is hosting its “Get Baked” bread class on Feb. 8 from 1-4pm. $75 covers the instruction, ingredients, and the three to five freshly baked loaves you’ll bring home! Sign up at baybreadco.com.
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