Scarecrow Szn

It may not be “spooky szn” (as the kids call it) just yet, but it does seem like it might be scarecrow szn. The Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park is hosting a scarecrow building day for the family on Sunday, Oct. 1, from 12-4pm, and they challenge you to channel your creative side! The Botanic Garden will provide the straw, burlap, and frames, and you get to bring the clothes, accessories, and other decorations with you to create your own unique scarecrow friend. Attendees will vote on their favorite design—with a grand prize of a year-long membership to the garden—and there will be a hidden scarecrow to find on the grounds, with a special gift from the Visitor’s Center to the lucky person who finds it. The scarecrows will decorate the garden through Nov. 1, at which point they will be recycled. Family registration is $10 (plus a $2.51 fee) through Eventbrite, and cider and donuts will be available at the Pavilion for participants. Get your tickets and all the details at

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