From Concern to Change

Upcoming Inland Seas programming at TADL

There’s no shortage of things to worry about in the world, and for the younger generations, the environment is often top of the list. A Pew Research report found that in the U.S., 76 percent of Gen Z consider climate change to be one of their biggest concerns, with 37 percent listing it as their top concern. There’s even a term for that overwhelming worry: climate doom. This Saturday, Feb. 24, at the Traverse Area District Library, Inland Seas Education Association (ISEA) is hosting an event for grown-ups to learn how to connect with kids on this big topic. The goal is to help folks “feel confident having supportive conversations with young adults experiencing climate doom” and to offer ideas for positive environmental actions to effect change, even on a small scale. Learn more at

Pictured: An ISEA river cleanup project.

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