Flabocce, Your New Favorite Yard Game

Stuff We Love

Yes, you read that right: Flabocce. Meet your new favorite (and super portable) yard game, the original flat bocce made right here in Traverse City by the creative mind of Jack Rutkowski. In short, you’re throwing the “Flabs” (lightweight hexagonal discs made from non-toxic TPV and food-grade pigments) as close as you can get to the “Jack,” or the target. Much like in traditional bocce, the closer you are to the target, the higher you will score, and you can play with as few as two people or create teams. Flabocce kits start at $39.99 for a set of eight Flabs and one Jack, or level up to The Full Set for $59.99 with 16 Flabs to get all your friends in on the game. Learn the rules and shop game kits at flabocce.com.

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