Championing Smaller Sports

Stuff We Love

Everybody tuned in for the Michigan/Michigan State football game last weekend. But what about college tennis? Or rowing? Or soccer? These—along with track and field, golf, baseball, lacrosse, and swimming—are considered “non-revenue generating sports” and don’t get all the attention, money, or scholarships other athletic endeavors do. So Manton High School and MSU alum Christopher Mundy recently started the Gerald Mundy, Jr. and Elizabeth Mundy Endowed Scholarship (named for his parents) to benefit northern Michigan athletes headed to MSU to compete in one of the sports listed above. Carolyn Garner of Traverse City is on the MSU rowing team and was the first recipient of the scholarship. For more information or to nominate someone for the scholarship, please reach out to the Michigan State University Spartan Fund at (517) 432-4635.

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