Reciprocating Threads

Local clothing brand, AFRNT, inspires fashion and talent

Randy Myers always knew he wanted to do something within the fashion industry but he didn’t know exactly what or how he would get started.

"Whether I didn’t have capital, a business partner, a network of people that could help me along, I just had all these barriers and I got to a point where I couldn’t get it out of my system," said the 29-year-old Cadillac area native. "I would stay up late at night just ultimately depressed that I wasn’t pursuing it."

Eventually, Myers slowly began to pursue his dream, taking the necessary steps to produce a clothing line, which he calls AFRNT (pronounced A front).

The clothing brand, which stands for "All for Reaching New Talent," not only represents a lifestyle of creative thinkers but a supportive one for those struggling with something Myers did for so many years:

Taking a passion and pursuing it, head on.


Myers has produced the designs for AFRNT–which embodies the feel of an Up North, bohemian surfer lifestyle– but the clothing is promoted by its target demographic, ages 18 to 25, including area models and photographers.

"I wanted to hit a certain target audience with fashion and trends, modeling and photographing. I wanted to hit that target market that is most impressionable and utilize it in a positive way," he explained. "I want it to be the kind of inspiration where we don’t have people playing video games five years after high school."

Myers believes young adults have become so focused on what they should do that they miss the opportunity to actually do something with their lives, something they are genuinely passionate about.

"They look back and have missed their purpose," he added. "I want to inspire more young people to understand the value of doing things that are passionate to them (and) truly see and understand the value behind connecting with what you want out of life, not following in the footsteps of others and not falling into what society views as happiness."


The brand has inspired young adults from across the country to do just that.

"I get messages often," Myers said. "I got one a couple days ago from a girl living in Kansas who used to live here and has been following the brand. She told me, "˜Being in photography, I like your work but you’ve inspired me to do something I’ve always wanted to do, which is make kids tutus.’" What do kid tutus and AFRNT have in common? Nothing, said Myers, except the inspiration and motivation behind the product.

Like any T-shirt, bumper sticker or logo, people wear clothing because they want it to represent something about them – whether it’s a lifestyle, belief, character trait or life outlook, a brand is a representation of oneself.

For those who wear AFRNT, whether it’s a logo tank top, a skull feather bracelet, label scarf or signature beanie, the brand is a representation of pursuing one’s passion, whatever that may be.

Each purchase of AFRNT clothing supports Myers’ mission to help not only his models and photographers grow, but to provide support and a type of "coaching" to those who reach out to him.

"Like any business, I have a product that I utilize,’ he explained. "I utilize my product as a tool to expose the young people I work with. As I grow, they grow."

And the support doesn’t stop at his brand. "At this point, I have such a genuine interest in helping someone succeed that they can contact me and we can go down to Brew and chat for an hour or two. I’m very much open to that," he explained.

What it comes down to for Myers is having a creative, supportive network of individuals.

"If I sell a couple T-shirts along the way, great," he said.

For more information on AFRNT clothing and products, as well as to contact Randy Myers directly, visit

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